Guardians of the web galaxy: how best to monitor your web applications

Monitoring web applications

Today web applications play a pivotal role in businesses and personal ventures alike. Whether it's an e-commerce platform, a personal blog or a SaaS application ensuring that your web application is running smoothly around the clock is paramount.

Downtime or performance issues can lead to lost revenue, diminished user trust and a tarnished brand reputation. In this blog post we'll delve into the best practices for monitoring your web application and ensuring it operates seamlessly 24/7/365.

1. Understand the importance of monitoring

Before diving into the tools and techniques, it's essential to grasp why monitoring is non-negotiable:

  • User Experience (UX): A slow or unresponsive application can frustrate users. In an age where users expect instant gratification even a few seconds of delay can lead to decreased engagement or abandonment.

  • Revenue impact: For e-commerce sites, even a minute of downtime can translate to significant lost sales, especially during peak shopping times.

  • Reputation: In the digital world, word spreads fast. Frequent outages or slow load times can quickly harm your brand's reputation, leading to negative reviews and decreased trust.

2. Choose the right monitoring tools

The market is flooded with monitoring tools, each tailored for specific needs. Here's a deeper dive:

  • Uptime monitors: Tools like Pingdom and Uptime Robot not only check if your site is accessible but also provide detailed reports on response times, helping you identify slow periods.

  • Performance monitors: Platforms like New Relic and Datadog offer a granular view of your application's performance, from server health to individual transaction times.

  • Error tracking: Tools like Sentry and Rollbar provide real-time error tracking, ensuring that you're the first to know when something breaks.

3. Set up alerts

Monitoring is only half the battle. The real value comes from actionable insights:

  • Immediate alerts: For critical issues that need instant attention.

  • Threshold alerts: These can be set up for various metrics. For instance, if the server's CPU usage goes above 90% for more than 5 minutes, it's a sign that something's amiss.

  • Error rate alerts: If the number of errors in your application crosses a specific limit, it's time to investigate.

4. Monitor from multiple locations

Performance can vary based on geography due to factors like CDN misconfigurations or regional server issues:

  • Global monitoring: Use tools that allow checks from multiple global locations. This helps in ensuring that users from all over the world have a consistent experience.

5. Regularly review performance metrics

Beyond real-time monitoring, a periodic deep dive is crucial:

  • Load times: Regularly audit your web pages. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can provide actionable recommendations.

  • Database performance: Tools like SolarWinds or Redgate can help identify slow queries, missing indexes or other database inefficiencies.

  • Server health: Beyond just CPU and memory, monitor disk I/O, network bandwidth and other vital metrics.

6. Automate where possible

In the modern DevOps culture, automation is king:

  • Auto-scaling: Cloud platforms like AWS and Azure offer auto-scaling features, adjusting resources based on demand.

  • Automated backups: Regular backups are a safety net. Automate this process to ensure you never miss out.

  • Continuous Integration (CI) and Dontinuous Deployment (CD): Tools like Jenkins, CircleCI or GitHub Actions can automate your deployment pipeline, ensuring smooth and error-free releases.

Monitoring web applications

7. Plan for downtime

Even with robust monitoring, issues can arise:

  • Maintenance windows: Regularly scheduled maintenance ensures your application stays updated and secure. Inform users in advance to minimise inconvenience.

  • Failover strategies: Implement redundant systems. In case of a primary system failure, traffic can be rerouted to a backup system, ensuring continuous availability.

8. Educate your team

A well-informed team can act swiftly and decisively:

  • Regular training: Technology evolves rapidly. Regular workshops or training sessions can keep your team updated.

  • Clear documentation: A well-documented troubleshooting guide can be invaluable during crises ensuring quick resolution.

9. Test, test, test

An untested system is a ticking time bomb:

  • Load testing: Simulate high traffic scenarios to ensure your application can handle the load.

  • Penetration testing: Regular security audits can identify vulnerabilities, ensuring your application remains secure against threats.

10. Review and iterate

The digital landscape is dynamic. Regularly revisit your monitoring strategies:

  • Feedback loop: Encourage feedback from users. Often, they'll notice issues before your monitoring tools do.

  • Stay updated: New tools and methodologies emerge regularly. Be open to change and continuously optimise your monitoring strategy.

11. Dive deep with log analysis

Centralised logging: Tools like Splunk or ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) allow you to centralise logs from different parts of your application. This is invaluable for debugging and understanding the intricate details of how your application behaves.

Anomaly detection: Advanced log analysis tools can detect anomalies in your logs, which might indicate potential issues or security breaches.

12. Embrace ChatOps for real-time monitoring

Integrate with communication tools: Platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams can be integrated with monitoring tools. This ensures that your team gets real-time notifications about application performance directly in their communication channels.

Collaborative problem solving: With ChatOps, teams can collaboratively diagnose and solve issues ensuring faster resolution times.

13. Monitor third-party services

Dependency monitoring: Modern web applications often rely on third-party services, APIs or cloud platforms. Monitoring these dependencies is crucial as an outage in one of these services can directly impact your application.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Ensure that third-party providers adhere to their SLAs. Tools like Catchpoint or ThousandEyes can help monitor the performance of these external services.

Servers in a data centre

14. Ensure compliance and security

Regular audits: Regular security audits can help identify potential vulnerabilities in your application. Tools like Nessus or Qualys can scan your application for known vulnerabilities.

Compliance monitoring: For businesses in regulated industries, ensuring compliance (like GDPR, HIPAA) is crucial. Compliance monitoring tools can help ensure that your application adheres to necessary regulations.

15. Feedback mechanisms

User feedback: Implement feedback mechanisms within your application. Direct feedback from users can often highlight issues that might not be caught by automated monitoring tools.

Feedback analysis: Tools like Uservoice or Feedbackify can help analyse user feedback, categorise it and prioritise it for future improvements.

16. Proactive vs. reactive monitoring

Anticipate issues: Instead of just reacting to issues, modern monitoring tools allow you to anticipate potential problems. Machine learning algorithms can predict potential outages or performance degradations, allowing you to act before they impact users.

Continuous improvement: Adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. Regularly review monitoring data, feedback and logs to identify areas of improvement.


Monitoring a web application goes beyond just checking if it's online. It's a comprehensive process that involves understanding user behaviour, ensuring peak performance, securing against threats and continuously evolving based on feedback and data.

With the right tools and strategies in place, you can ensure that your web application remains robust, resilient and user-centric, serving its audience effectively 24/7/365. Needless to say, at Acknowledgement we do a lot of web monitoring. If you need a hand, get in touch!